Monday, March 20, 2023

Privacy issues

Our information is no longer private. Whether we are on our phones, driving our cars or taking pictures can put us in dangerous positions.  No matter where we go, or what platform we use, we are being watched by big brother.  Our government should be protecting us, but instead they are gathering information on us. We live in a dangerous world and the more technology that is developed the more danger we are in. 

It is up to us to take the necessary steps to make sure we protect ourselves. Our phones are always with us and we use them for everything. There are settings that we can use to protect our privacy. Texting, facetime and using Whats app are encrypted  that will keep us safe and our information secure.  Certain platforms share our information. Pictures that we take, and post are out there for the world to see. They can put us in compromising positions and have a negative impact when trying to find a job. 

The government should be using surveillance videos to track criminals and dangerous people. Instead they are getting massive amounts of information on innocent people and keeping it in their data systems. There is no reason for them to have this information and they should have to destroy  all information on innocent people and instead use their technology on people who are criminals that have been released from jail or in the system. They could use their technology to watch drug traffickers, sex traffickers or people they are looking for who have committed crimes. 

Laws need to be put in place to protect our privacy and law enforcement should not be taking pictures of our license plates  unless they have a good reason. It's time to change things so we feel protected and not violated. The more information that we put out there the more it can be used against us. It's up to us to take as many precautions as we can to protect ourselves. Less is more. It's time to put down the phones and stop posting every detail about our lives for the world to see and possibly use it against us.Data privacy expectations in 2021: Trends to watch | 2020-12-28 | Security  Magazine

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