Sunday, April 23, 2023

False flags

False Flag is a term that I had to research to understand its meaning. False Flag is a harmful action, such as an attack  that makes it look like it was committed by someone other than the person who is responsible for it. This term is used more in the political world and military than in everyday life.  This is not a new term and it first appeared in a 16th century anti-Roman Catholic polemic that claims that Catholics pretended to faith while engaging in irreligious activities. Pirate ships would fly a friendly flag during war to deceive the merchant ships so they could draw them in.  Over the next few centuries, the term was used in a religious way until the 1800s when the term changed and was used more for deception. 

During WWII, Hilter used the term false flag when they invaded Poland in 1939.  Right before Germany invaded, seven German SS soldiers pretended to be Polish and stormed the Gleiwitz radio tower on the German side of the border of Poland. This allowed the soldiers to broadcast a short message saying the station was in the hands of Poland. The next day Hilter made a speech justifying the invasion of Poland.  

More recently is the attack on Ukraine. When the war intensified, both the US and Britain presumed that Russia planned a false flag attack to create an excuse for invading Ukraine.  The most recent example of a false flag was the storming of the Capitol on January 6th. The conspiracy theory was that antifa, a left wing activist, undermined the effort by President Trump supporters to challenge the presidential election of 2020. 

The harmful action of using a false flag leads to negative consequences. Nothing good comes from blaming other people for an attack. It's deceptive and makes it very difficult to trust someone. People who use false flags are not looking to harm someone or a group of people. For example, Hilter used a false flag to invade Poland but his ultimate goal was to eliminate six million Jews.  Putin used a false flag because he wanted to wipe out Ukraine and take control of the country. Each time a false flag is used, it is used to destroy or harm people. 

The harmful action of the false flag can have a negative effect on society. It can divide people and lead to blaming each other. Our country is divided,  the democrats and the republicans are constantly fighting and the spread of disinformation puts our country and democracy into a horrible threat. Each side blames online falsehoods which is a government attack on first amendments rights. False flags can also have a negative effect on different segments of our society. The poor might blame the rich for their quality of life when in reality  it could be other factors that have led to their poverty. 

Diversity can cause false flags. Jessie Smallet, an actor,  accused people for beating him up because of his lifestyle, but he staged the incident himself and blamed people who didn’t accept his lifestyle. 

False flags began in the 1800’s and continues to still be a problem in the political arena. It has expanded into our society and has affected many groups of people. Regardless, false flags have no positive outcomes and will always be an attack on our society or our country. It represents evil and its intent is always to put blame on someone else for negative actions. 

Russian Hacker False Flags Work—Even After They're Exposed | WIRED

How Russia conducts false flag operations - U.S. Embassy in Georgia

Martin, Roland. "false flag". Encyclopedia Britannica, 24 Jan. 2023, Accessed 23 April 2023.

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