Tuesday, April 4, 2023

EOTO Amazon Kindle

    The first Kindle in 2007

Books at one time were purchased from a store or rented from a library. In 2007, Amazon launched a new way of reading, called the Kindle. The Kindle uses a display technology called electronic paper. It produces a sharp screen image that looks like text printed on paper. This new device saved people the time, allowing them to download books and magazines right to their kindle. The first Kindle could only store 200 e-books from Amazon.com The sole purpose of Amazon launching the kindle was to bring people books at the tips of their fingers. Over the years, other electronic devices have come to market like the phone and computer that allows you to read books but the Kindle has remained a form of a book that has improved with technology. 

The first kindle did not have any major problems, but over time improvements were made to make it more appealing. The original kindle did not have touch control, but with improvements, the kindle came up with a full keyboard, navigation buttons and a design to make it easier for people to hold it in their hands. The kindle also makes an option to hear your book by plugging in headphones. They also changed their navigation page to help make it easier to select books. 

In 2009, a second kindle was created. The technology advanced and made the pager turner quicker as well as more storage. The Kindle store increased their book titles to over 230,000. The price of the kindle when first launched was $359 but over time it was reduced to $259 making it more affordable. In 2011, a big change came with the fourth kindle. This kindle no longer had a keyboard and was replaced with a touch screen. The storage was again improved making it a 4GB and now the battery lasted weeks instead of days.  More advancements came over time. Kindle launched the Kindle Paper White, which added illumination to the display so you were able to read in the dark. Each year or two the Kindle made improvements. One thing that never changed over time was the kindle was created to be a book and regardless of the advancements it still remained only a book. 

The Kindle gave readers another option. Ifr people did not want to go to the books store or rent a book from the library that has been passed from one person to another, they could download a book within seconds from anywhere and begin to read. There are no due dates and I no longer have to work on bulky books. The Kindle is slim and sleek and easy to put in a bag or pocketbook.  The elderly who may not be able to get out and drive can stay within the comforts of their own home and enjoy their kindle with endless books. 

The one downside to the Kindle is that it took away from bookstores. According to the American Booksellers Association, every week in the pandemic one or more independent bookstores closed.  The opposite happened with Amazon, sales increased up to 60%. 

The KIndle Paper White

Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. "Kindle". Encyclopedia Britannica, 12 Jan. 2023, https://www.britannica.com/technology/Kindle. Accessed 4 April 2023.

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