Thursday, April 27, 2023

EOTO reflection

While watching my peers present the EOTO presentations, one thing that stood out to me was disinformation. I feel disinformation is a huge problem in this world and happens every day. Disinformation is fabricated content or some form of fake news. Disinformation is mostly part of the political world. News channels especially will use disinformation on the opposite party they don't support to make them look bad in any way even if not one part of the information is true.


The peer that presented disinformation, also brought up how it is a big part of Covid-19, which I never thought of until now. So many people have different theories about Covid-19 whether it is dangerous or not.  For example, some people  believe that the Covid-19 vaccine is very safe and does not harm you in any way. This person is giving you disinformation because there are no  studies out there to support this. 

Another form of disinformation could be an impostor. A couple of years ago a  person was impersonating President Obama using an app that put Obama's face and voice on him. This looked extremely realistic to the point people believed it was actually him. The person that was impersonating Obama was saying very inappropriate things trying to make him look bad. This would be disinformation because the person impersonating Obama was saying things that were not true. 

 Lastly, Another form of disinformation is manipulated content. There are multiple times that I will be scrolling through Instagram or TikTok, and I will come across a post that will say “This person got engaged”, so I will go to the person's page and check if it was actually real and it is always people using disinformation, and just trying to get people's attention. 

 I believe that people will always put disinformation out there to try to get ahead and make themselves look good and make another person look bad. It's important to fact check things when seeing them on social media if you feel that things don’t look quite right.

How California is cracking down on social media disinformation - CalMatters

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EOTO Reflection #1

When watching my peers present, one presentation that I found intriguing was the VCR. I knew a little bit about the VCR, and how it was used...