Wednesday, April 12, 2023

After watching this video, it opened my eyes on how AI is playing a larger role than I ever imagined. I never thought about the impact it has on everyone.  The impact that it is playing on people's livelihood and taking away jobs is becoming a big problem. What surprised me the most are the depletion of jobs that are being taken away by AI and how this is making the richer rich and the poorer poor. They have removed jobs like cashiers and replaced them with self checkouts. Being a cashier is one of the most common jobs people get, so the more jobs that are used by AI, the harder it will be for people to get jobs and put food on the table.  What I learned the most is how AI is learning about people's predictive behavior and that is the center of marketing. The Amazon smart speaker can learn so much about a person's behavior just by listening to your voice's baseline and making changes over time. 

A pro to AI is the advancements in the world of medical technology. If technology can find cures for cancer and other diseases, then AI has a more meaningful presence. It would only add to the field and would be a benefit. It would not be taking jobs away, instead it would be enhancing the medical field in finding cures. 

A con to AI is  all of the spying they do on a person's private lives. For example the amazon echo your thoughts are no longer private. It hears everything you say and stores that information to use for marketing. I have learned that if I search for something good, minutes later ads will flood my social media platform. No longer is anything private. For example, last night I was talking with my friends last night about Greece, and two minutes later I saw an ad for a vacation package to go there. With the advancements of AI comes the advancements of our personal data for companies like google to use and sell our information for the benefit of other companies. London is the number one country that has the most surveillance cameras and watches their people wherever they go. If someone J-walks they know. I have learned privacy is a thing of the past. Marketing is no longer a surprise to the company if people like their product. They know before they bring a product to market what demographic and age group they are targeting because of AI. They know more than we will ever realize. It's scary to think AI knows more about me that I might know about myself. The data that is collected about myself and shared to other companies so they can be more profitable gives me a very uneasy feeling. This breach of privacy helps shape the way a person thinks and maybe feels about certain products. It influences the way we think and feel without us even realizing what is going on. 

Top 6 Artificial Intelligence Technologies

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